Friday, July 13, 2012

Insanity Is Still Very Cool

     Is there such a thing as insanity? I mean really, everyone is somewhat insane, so that is just the "Norm."  Insanity is the usual plan of action by most humanoids....  But we tend to exist to live on the edge.  Show the world what we are made of as it were.
     Do you think being normal could be the real trip into the great beyond?  Living your life as it was planned by God.  Yeah, I know we messed it up and sin is a crap-sandwich in our lives, but that doesn't mean we have to let it rule our lives.  We as humans always strive to be unique and different.  I am very guilty of this, but maybe that is part of a sin nature.  Maybe we are meant to be who we were created to be, naturally before sin came into the world.  I'm not saying we have to sell all our belongings and live off the land in the woods, but we could maybe take a step towards just being who we are.
     Maybe our insecurities created this idea of having to be so independent.  I know that God created us all unique and creative in our own way, but I don't think He created us to act independently.  Obviously He gave us the choice to do so, but that would be choosing to not worship Him.
    I have heard that, that was the true sin in the garden in the beginning.  Not that Adam and Eve ate the fruit, but that they acted independently of God.  They chose their own path over His perfect way of life.  Like the deceiver Satan said to Eve, you will be like gods.  I think in that sense acting independently meant thinking you were above God, or gods yourself.  It may seem like a stretch to compare Adam and Eve's sin to our desire to be independent, unique, or even insane, but that's why I just write my mind into this blog.  Just putting thoughts into the digital void.
                                                                  Thanks, Nate

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